Over two million readers have armed themselves with the knowledge in this book.
Dark forces seek to turn society into unthinking automatons by the use of weapons of mass influence. In this graphic adaptation of his best-seller, Robert B. Cialdini becomes society's best hope in combatting compliance professionals throughout the world. He leads a team of special forces through a battleground filled with psychological sneak-attacks designed to elicit pre-programmed responses from unknowing victims.
Influence: Science and Practice outlines the basics...
Over two million readers have armed themselves with the knowledge in this book.
At some point today you will have to influence or persuade someone - your boss, a co-worker, a customer, client, spouse, your kids, or even your friends. What is the smallest change you can make to your request, proposal or situation that will lead to the biggest difference in the outcome? In The small BIG, three heavyweights from the world of persuasion science and practice -- Steve Martin, Noah Goldstein and Robert Cialdini -- describe how, in today's information overloaded and stimulation saturated world, increasingly it is the small changes that you make that lead to the biggest...
At some point today you will have to influence or persuade someone - your boss, a co-worker, a customer, client, spouse, your kids, or even your frien...
Immer wieder kommen Sie in Situationen, in denen Sie andere in ihrem Verhalten beeinflussen wollen. Ihr Kunde soll den Kaufvertrag unterschreiben oder Ihr Kind soll Vokabeln lernen. Egal wie: Die anderen sollen sich von uns überzeugen lassen und endlich Ja sagen. Doch wie bringen wir sie dazu? Der Sozialpsychologe und Meister der Beeinflussung Robert Cialdini hat es herausgefunden: Die überzeugendsten Verhandler gewinnen den Deal, schon bevor es zum eigentlichen Gespräch kommt. Wie sie das machen und wie auch Ihnen das gelingt, zeigt dieses augenöffnende...
So bekommen Sie, was Sie wollen!
Immer wieder kommen Sie in Situationen, in denen Sie andere in ihrem Verhalten beeinflussen wollen. Ihr Kund...