Biology for the Informed Citizen by Donna M. Bozzone and Douglas S. Green, more than any other non-science majors biology book, helps student connect the concepts of biology to the consequences of biology - the consequences that students can and should see in every facet of their lives, if only trained to identify them. This text aims to teach the concepts of biology, evolution, and the process of science so students can apply their knowledge in their everyday lives as informed consumers and users of scientific information. The book's Cases, Concepts, and Consequences approach connects the...
Biology for the Informed Citizen by Donna M. Bozzone and Douglas S. Green, more than any other non-science majors biology book, helps student connect ...
Biology for the Informed Citizen by Donna M. Bozzone and Douglas S. Green, more than any other non-science majors biology book, helps student connect the concepts of biology to the consequences of biology - the consequences that students can and should see in every facet of their lives, if only trained to identify them. This text aims to teach the concepts of biology, evolution, and the process of science so students can apply their knowledge in their everyday lives as informed consumers and users of scientific information.
Biology for the Informed Citizen by Donna M. Bozzone and Douglas S. Green, more than any other non-science majors biology book, helps student connect ...