Why would a Christian feel the need to study Philosophy? Are not the Scriptures sufficient? The same question was asked by Terullian, "What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?" Furthermore, the mixing of Philosophy and Christian faith has had a long history of explosive periods which are very much part of our lives today in Western society. Great care therefore should be taken when mixing them. Scripture states it simply, our thoughts are not God's thoughts, and His ways are not ours.
However, philosophical tools are at times the only way to talk to an unbelieving world. Philosophy...
Why would a Christian feel the need to study Philosophy? Are not the Scriptures sufficient? The same question was asked by Terullian, "What does Athen...
The marriage-enriching technique you will learn in this book is simple, straight forward, and inexpensive. You can change your marriage for the better NOW. If you felt like you've been going in circles trying to straighten things out, this book is just what you have been hoping for! If you want a better relationship with your spouse and you are willing to make small but significant changes, you can turn things around sooner than you would have thought possible. Just follow the guidelines...