Illuminating, often troubling, and unapologetically frank, Righteous is dynamic young journalist Lauren Sandler's report from the nexus of religious fundamentalism and youth culture. As a secular guide through the passion and politics of the teenage evangelical "Disciple Generation," Sandler offers the first front line exploration of the Christian youth counterculture and what its influence could mean for the future of America. She intimately connects with skateboarding missionaries, tattooed members of a self-sufficient postpunk mega- church, rock- 'n'-rolling antiabortion protestors,...
Illuminating, often troubling, and unapologetically frank, Righteous is dynamic young journalist Lauren Sandler's report from the nexus of reli...
A funny, tough-minded case for being and having an only child, debunking the myths about only children and taking glory in the pleasures of singletons: "A swift and absorbing read...may change your mind and the national conversation" (Psychology Today). Journalist Lauren Sandler is an only child and the mother of one. After investigating what only children are really like and whether stopping at one child is an answer to reconciling motherhood and modernity, she learned a lot about herself--and a lot about our culture's assumptions. In this heartfelt work, Sandler legitimizes a...
A funny, tough-minded case for being and having an only child, debunking the myths about only children and taking glory in the pleasures of singletons...