In THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST(r) GUIDE: GET YOUR FATS STRAIGHT, Sarah Pope quickly identifies how the low-fat movement got its start and the devastating health effects it is having on people in our society today. She beats back the arguments made to convince you to eat low-fat and presents simple, practical advice on the first three steps you need to take to regain your own health, if you have lost it, or raise children to be healthy and fulfill their physical potential. Maybe you are wondering why obesity is rampant and heart disease and cancer, even in the young, seem uncontrollable. Maybe...
In THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST(r) GUIDE: GET YOUR FATS STRAIGHT, Sarah Pope quickly identifies how the low-fat movement got its start and the devastati...
In THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST(r) GUIDE: TRADITIONAL REMEDIES FOR MODERN FAMILIES, Sarah Pope offers practical, natural solutions for a wide variety of common ailments. Most are traditional and have been used for centuries, if not longer, but some are more modern and are only available due to more recent discoveries.
In THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST(r) GUIDE: TRADITIONAL REMEDIES FOR MODERN FAMILIES, Sarah Pope offers practical, natural solutions for a wide variety of...
"In THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST(r) GUIDE: LIVING GREEN IN AN ARTIFICIAL WORLD, Sarah Pope offers some useful solutions to problems we experience living in a modern industrial and technological world. Do you ever feel like unhealthy man-made materials are unavoidable ? that you are met by them at every turn? Do you feel like your very human, organic life is encroached upon by prepackaged preparations and products from all directions? Whether you live in the big city or on a quiet country lot, you probably can't avoid this feeling. But there's hope In these pages, you will find many ideas for...
"In THE HEALTHY HOME ECONOMIST(r) GUIDE: LIVING GREEN IN AN ARTIFICIAL WORLD, Sarah Pope offers some useful solutions to problems we experience living...