Engineer Obie and his fellow railroaders embark upon a desperate rescue mission to save Christmas in Willow Falls. Aided by one reliable old locomotive, the kind-hearted railroaders perform a Christmas Eve miracle that's sure to delight young and old readers alike.
Engineer Obie and his fellow railroaders embark upon a desperate rescue mission to save Christmas in Willow Falls. Aided by one reliable old locomotiv...
Written by renound EMD expert, and award winning author William Trombello, the EMD Type Turbocharger manual is a comprehensive guide to understanding, and troubleshooting the EMD type two cycle diesel engine turbocharger. Thousands have already been sold by Technical Training Consultans Inc. the leader in EMD type training. The EMD type engine is used in locomotives, ships, drill rigs, and in stationary power apllications.
Written by renound EMD expert, and award winning author William Trombello, the EMD Type Turbocharger manual is a comprehensive guide to understanding,...
This award winning book for children ages 4 to 8 by Technical Training Consultants Inc. (the leader in locomotive training worldwide) was the runner up in the children's category at the "Beach Book Festival" and received honorable mentions at the "New York" and "London Book" festivals. Children have always been fascinated with trains. Why not show them how a real train works? This book is a fun and informative way for children to learn how the locomotive that pulls all of the railroad cars actually works. Does a locomotive work like an automobile, a truck, or is it more like a toy train set?...
This award winning book for children ages 4 to 8 by Technical Training Consultants Inc. (the leader in locomotive training worldwide) was the runner u...
This award winning book for children ages 4 to 8 by Technical Training Consultants Inc. (the leader in locomotive training worldwide) was the winner of the Children's category at the "Beach Book Festival" in Atlantic City New Jersey. Named one of the hottest reads of the summer! Trains and Real Locomotives is the second book for children from award winning author Bill Trombello. Always fascinated with trains, children can now understand a train's complete journey from the time it leaves the repair shop until the time it arrives at the station. Along the way, they will meet Engineer Obie,...
This award winning book for children ages 4 to 8 by Technical Training Consultants Inc. (the leader in locomotive training worldwide) was the winner o...