The heart is a fantastic machine; during a normal lifetime it beats about 2.5 billion times and pumps 200.000 tons of blood through an enormous system of vessels extending 160.000 kilometres throughout the body. For centuries, man has tried to understand how the heart works, but there remain many unsolved problems, problems that have captured the attention of thousands of researchers worldwide. There is, for example, a huge amount of research being devoted to the analysis of single heart cells. Other areas of research include trying to understand how it works as a complete muscle, and how...
The heart is a fantastic machine; during a normal lifetime it beats about 2.5 billion times and pumps 200.000 tons of blood through an enormous system...
In a rapidly evolving world of knowledge and technology, do you ever wonder how hydrology is catching up? This book takes the angle of computational hydrology and envisions one of the future directions, namely, quantitative integration of high-quality hydrologic field data with geologic, hydrologic, chemical, atmospheric, and biological information to characterize and predict natural systems in hydrological sciences.
Intelligent computation and information fusion are the key words. The aim is to provide both established scientists and graduate students with a summary of recent...
In a rapidly evolving world of knowledge and technology, do you ever wonder how hydrology is catching up? This book takes the angle of computationa...