... a pure mathematician does what he can do as well as he should, whilst an applied mathematician does what he should do as well as he can... (Gr. C. Moisil Romanian mathematician, 1906-1973) Flows in porous media were initially the starting point for the study which has evolved into this book, because the acquirement and improving of kn- ledge about the analysis and control of water in?ltration and solute spreading arechallenginganddemandingpresentissuesinmanydomains, likesoilsci- ces, hydrology, water management, water quality management, ecology. The mathematical modelling required by...
... a pure mathematician does what he can do as well as he should, whilst an applied mathematician does what he should do as well as he can... (Gr. C....
... a pure mathematician does what he can do as well as he should, whilst an applied mathematician does what he should do as well as he can... (Gr. C. Moisil Romanian mathematician, 1906-1973) Flows in porous media were initially the starting point for the study which has evolved into this book, because the acquirement and improving of kn- ledge about the analysis and control of water in?ltration and solute spreading arechallenginganddemandingpresentissuesinmanydomains, likesoilsci- ces, hydrology, water management, water quality management, ecology. The mathematical modelling required by...
... a pure mathematician does what he can do as well as he should, whilst an applied mathematician does what he should do as well as he can... (Gr. C....