For further information on the author please go to The young boy had a conception of life that no experience would ever erase - a predilection for what was real. He started out with a multitude of adversity. He was very poor, raised by a single parent, and he was a "Black Boy." All mingled into one, the young boy had pride, and he got joy out of defeating an enemy, living up to the enemy's worst expectations, the wonder of his growth, and the determination to follow the track through to the end. His enemy was the world, and he got gratification out of defeating...
For further information on the author please go to The young boy had a conception of life that no experience would ever era...
20 bed-time stories of fantasy, mystery and magic, set in England and Australia. Written with whimsy and humour, with songs and poetry, by novelist and platwright Mark Kumara - author of The Joy of Being (Trafford Publishing) - these beautifully crafted stories are a perfect length for bed-time stories for children. They cover a wide range of subjects, from fairy stories, nature stories, mystery - even science fiction. Adult readers are sure to enjoy them. Recommended 6 to 12 years old.
20 bed-time stories of fantasy, mystery and magic, set in England and Australia. Written with whimsy and humour, with songs and poetry, by novelist an...
22 bed-time stories of fantasy, mystery and magic, set in England and Australia. Written with whimsy and humour by novelist and playwright Mark Kumara - author of The Elf In The Dustbin (Trafford Publishing) - these beautifully crafted stories are a perfect length for bed-time stories. Adult readers are also sure to enjoy them. Recommended 8 to 12 years.
22 bed-time stories of fantasy, mystery and magic, set in England and Australia. Written with whimsy and humour by novelist and playwright Mark Kumara...