Digitising personal information is changing our ways of identifying persons and managing relations. What used to be a "natural" identity, is now as virtual as a user account at a web portal, an email address, or a mobile phone number. It is subject to diverse forms of identity management in business, administration, and among citizens. Core question and source of conflict is who owns how much identity information of whom and who needs to place trust into which identity information to allow access to resources.
This book presents multidisciplinary answers from research, government,...
Digitising personal information is changing our ways of identifying persons and managing relations. What used to be a "natural" identity, is now as...
This book contains the Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference (IFIPISEC 2006) on "Security and Privacy in Dynamic Envir- ments" held in May 22-24 2006 in Karlstad, Sweden. The first IFIPISEC conference was arranged in May 1983 in Stockholm, Sweden, one year before TC- 1 1 was founded, with the active participation of the Swedish IT Security Community. The IFIPISEC conferences have since then become the flagship events of TC-11. We are very pleased that we succeeded with our bid to after 23 years hold the IFIPISEC conference again in Sweden. The IT...
This book contains the Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference (IFIPISEC 2006) on "Security and Privacy in Dy...
These proceedings contain the papers of IFIP/SEC 2010. It was a special honour and privilege to chair the Program Committee and prepare the proceedings for this conf- ence, which is the 25th in a series of well-established international conferences on security and privacy organized annually by Technical Committee 11 (TC-11) of IFIP. Moreover, in 2010 it is part of the IFIP World Computer Congress 2010 celebrating both the Golden Jubilee of IFIP (founded in 1960) and the Silver Jubilee of the SEC conference in the exciting city of Brisbane, Australia, during September 20-23. The call for...
These proceedings contain the papers of IFIP/SEC 2010. It was a special honour and privilege to chair the Program Committee and prepare the proceeding...
Digitising personal information is changing our ways of identifying persons and managing relations. What used to be a "natural" identity, is now as virtual as a user account at a web portal, an email address, or a mobile phone number. It is subject to diverse forms of identity management in business, administration, and among citizens. Core question and source of conflict is who owns how much identity information of whom and who needs to place trust into which identity information to allow access to resources.
This book presents multidisciplinary answers from research, government,...
Digitising personal information is changing our ways of identifying persons and managing relations. What used to be a "natural" identity, is now as...
This book contains the Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference (IFIPISEC 2006) on "Security and Privacy in Dynamic Envir- ments" held in May 22-24 2006 in Karlstad, Sweden. The first IFIPISEC conference was arranged in May 1983 in Stockholm, Sweden, one year before TC- 1 1 was founded, with the active participation of the Swedish IT Security Community. The IFIPISEC conferences have since then become the flagship events of TC-11. We are very pleased that we succeeded with our bid to after 23 years hold the IFIPISEC conference again in Sweden. The IT...
This book contains the Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference (IFIPISEC 2006) on "Security and Privacy in Dy...
At the end of the PrimeLife EU project, a book will contain the main research results. It will address primarily researchers. In addition to fundamental research it will contain description of best practice solutions.
At the end of the PrimeLife EU project, a book will contain the main research results. It will address primarily researchers. In addition to fundament...
Anwendungen wie "Electronic Commerce" oder Mobilkommunikation machen deutlich, da das Thema IT-Sicherheit aktueller ist denn je. Die sorgfaltig ausgewahlten Beitrage der VIS '97 (5. Fachtagung der GI-Fachgruppe "Verlaliche IT-Systeme") bieten einen guten Uberblick nicht nur uber die technischen, sondern auch die organisatorischen, rechtlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Themen sind u. a. Copyright-Schutz digitaler Daten, Electronic Commerce, das Signaturgesetz, Systemschutz in offenen Netzen, Schutz von Kommunikationsinhalten und -beziehungen und Steganographie. Das Buch empfiehlt sich...
Anwendungen wie "Electronic Commerce" oder Mobilkommunikation machen deutlich, da das Thema IT-Sicherheit aktueller ist denn je. Die sorgfaltig ausgew...
Mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends werden die Themen um die Verlalichkeit komplexer, vernetzter Systeme so virulent wie nie zuvor. Es sind Konzepte und Losungswege gefragt, die sich in einer global vernetzten IT-Umgebung bewahren und gleichzeitig offen sind fur Erweiterungen, mit denen neuen Herausforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit gegegnet werden kann. Im einzelnen geht es insbesondere um die folgenden sicherheitskritischen Themenbereiche: Elektronischer Handel, Virtualisierung des Geldes, rechtlich wirksame Geschaftsablaufe, Digitale Signaturen. Es geht ferner um Fragen des Copyrights im...
Mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends werden die Themen um die Verlalichkeit komplexer, vernetzter Systeme so virulent wie nie zuvor. Es sind Konzepte...
Zertifizierung und Evaluation von IT-Sicherheit gewinnen mehr und mehr Bedeutung, nicht zuletzt durch einschlagige Bestimmungen des neuen deutschen Gesetzes zur digitalen Signatur. Dieses Buch gibt aus unabhangiger Perspektive einen Uberblick uber Stand, Entwicklung und Kriterien der IT-Sicherheitszertifizierung. Es stellt herkommlicher IT-Sicherheit, die vor allem das Interesse der Systembetreiber im Blickfeld hatte, mehrseitige IT-Sicherheit gegenuber, also den gleichberechtigten Schutz von Nutzern und Kunden. Auf der Basis neuer Erfahrungen werden zusatzlich die Organisation von...
Zertifizierung und Evaluation von IT-Sicherheit gewinnen mehr und mehr Bedeutung, nicht zuletzt durch einschlagige Bestimmungen des neuen deutschen Ge...
Jan Camenisch Simone Fischer-Hubner Kai Rannenberg
At the end of the PrimeLife EU project, a book will contain the main research results. It will address primarily researchers. In addition to fundamental research it will contain description of best practice solutions.
At the end of the PrimeLife EU project, a book will contain the main research results. It will address primarily researchers. In addition to fundament...