"Ever since the creators of the animated television show South Park turned their lovingly sardonic gaze on the massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft for an entire episode, WoW's status as an icon of digital culture has been secure. My Life as a Night Elf Priest digs deep beneath the surface of that icon to explore the rich particulars of the World of Warcraft player's experience." --Julian Dibbell, Wired
"World of Warcraft is the best representative of a significant new technology, art form, and sector of society: the...
"Ever since the creators of the animated television show South Park turned their lovingly sardonic gaze on the massively multiplayer online ...
"Ever since the creators of the animated television show South Park turned their lovingly sardonic gaze on the massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft for an entire episode, WoW's status as an icon of digital culture has been secure. My Life as a Night Elf Priest digs deep beneath the surface of that icon to explore the rich particulars of the World of Warcraft player's experience." --Julian Dibbell, Wired
"World of Warcraft is the best representative of a significant new technology, art form, and sector of society: the...
"Ever since the creators of the animated television show South Park turned their lovingly sardonic gaze on the massively multiplayer online ...