This volume is devoted to the "hyperbolic theory" of dynamical systems (DS), that is, the theory of smooth DS's with hyperbolic behaviour of the tra jectories (generally speaking, not the individual trajectories, but trajectories filling out more or less "significant" subsets in the phase space. Hyperbolicity the property that under a small displacement of any of a trajectory consists in point of it to one side of the trajectory, the change with time of the relative positions of the original and displaced points resulting from the action of the DS is reminiscent of the mot ion next to a...
This volume is devoted to the "hyperbolic theory" of dynamical systems (DS), that is, the theory of smooth DS's with hyperbolic behaviour of the tra j...
The problem of metrization of topological spaces has had an enormous influence on the development of general topology. Singling out the basic topo logical components of metrizability has determined the main reference points in the construction of the classification of topological spaces. These are (pri marily) paracompactness, collectionwise normality, monotonic normality and perfect normality, the concepts of a stratifiable space, Moore space and u space, point-countable base, and uniform base. The method of covers has taken up a leading role in this classification. Of paramount significance...
The problem of metrization of topological spaces has had an enormous influence on the development of general topology. Singling out the basic topo log...
This volume is devoted to the "hyperbolic theory" of dynamical systems (DS), that is, the theory of smooth DS's with hyperbolic behaviour of the tra jectories (generally speaking, not the individual trajectories, but trajectories filling out more or less "significant" subsets in the phase space. Hyperbolicity the property that under a small displacement of any of a trajectory consists in point of it to one side of the trajectory, the change with time of the relative positions of the original and displaced points resulting from the action of the DS is reminiscent of the mot ion next to a...
This volume is devoted to the "hyperbolic theory" of dynamical systems (DS), that is, the theory of smooth DS's with hyperbolic behaviour of the tra j...