After I came to know Jerne's network theory on the immune system, I became fascinated with the immune system as an information system. The main pro- totypes for biological information systems have been the neural systems and the brain. However, the immune system is not only an interesting informa- tion system but it may provide a design paradigm for artificial information systems. With such a consideration, I initiated a project titled "autonomous decentralized recognition mechanism of the immune network and its applica- tion to distributed information processing" in 1990 under a Grant-in-Aid...
After I came to know Jerne's network theory on the immune system, I became fascinated with the immune system as an information system. The main pro- t...
After I came to know Jerne's network theory on the immune system, I became fascinated with the immune system as an information system. The main pro totypes for biological information systems have been the neural systems and the brain. However, the immune system is not only an interesting informa tion system but it may provide a design paradigm for artificial information systems. With such a consideration, I initiated a project titled "autonomous decentralized recognition mechanism of the immune network and its applica tion to distributed information processing" in 1990 under a Grant-in-Aid...
After I came to know Jerne's network theory on the immune system, I became fascinated with the immune system as an information system. The main pro to...
Surprisingly information systems are quite different fromconventional (energy, material-intensive) artificial systems, and ratherresemble biological systems (information-intensive systems).
Surprisingly information systems are quite different fromconventional (energy, material-intensive) artificial systems, and ratherresemble biological s...