We are presently observing a paradigm change in designing complex SoC as it occurs roughly every twelve years due to the exponentially increasing number of transistors on a chip. This design discontinuity, as all previous ones, is characterized by a move to a higher level of abstraction. This is required to cope with the rapidly increasing design costs. While the present paradigm change shares the move to a higher level of abstraction with all previous ones, there exists also a key difference. For the ?rst time shrinking geometries do not leadtoacorrespondingincreaseofperformance....
We are presently observing a paradigm change in designing complex SoC as it occurs roughly every twelve years due to the exponentially increasing numb...
We are presently observing a paradigm change in designing complex SoC as it occurs roughly every twelve years due to the exponentially increasing number of transistors on a chip. This design discontinuity, as all previous ones, is characterized by a move to a higher level of abstraction. This is required to cope with the rapidly increasing design costs. While the present paradigm change shares the move to a higher level of abstraction with all previous ones, there exists also a key difference. For the ?rst time shrinking geometries do not leadtoacorrespondingincreaseofperformance....
We are presently observing a paradigm change in designing complex SoC as it occurs roughly every twelve years due to the exponentially increasing numb...