Plain radiography is still alive. In many institutions, including ours, conventional radiography has been replaced by digital systems including imaging-plate-based computed radiography and fat-panel detector-based digital radiography. Even for the education of radiation technologists, conventional flm-screen radiography has been de-- phasized, and their education is concentrated on digital systems. Spatial resolution of a conventional system is still far better than the current digital systems, although the dynamic range is wider in the latter system. Industrial flm radiography with small...
Plain radiography is still alive. In many institutions, including ours, conventional radiography has been replaced by digital systems including imagin...
Osteoporosis is a disease that primarily affects the elderly and usually with crippling effects.? Although osteoporosis is preventable and its effects somewhat reversible, early diagnosis is essential in order to make effective treatment decisions.? Covered in this issue are imaging with plain film, ultrasound, and CT.? Separate reviews of vertebral fractures and morphometry as well as well as percutaneous vertebroplasty are included.? Articles on densitometry in children and quality assurance round out the issue.
Osteoporosis is a disease that primarily affects the elderly and usually with crippling effects.? Although osteoporosis is preventable and its effects...
Giuseppe Guglielmi Francesco Schiavon Teresa Cammarota
La "cultura geriatrica" - intesa come conoscenza e dominio dei processi di invecchiamento - non ha avuto ancora piena affermazione in campo medico-sanitario. Questo comporta che il piu delle volte non si sappia distinguere a pieno il limite tra il fisiologico e il patologico che distinge l'anziano sano con gli inevitabili "acciacchi" dovuti all'invecchiamento da quello abbisognevole di supporti sanitari e/o assistenziali. Finora si e spesso trattato l'anziano con la cultura dell'adulto, molto diversa da quella geriatrica, con il risultato di considerare malato anche chi ha solo il torto di...
La "cultura geriatrica" - intesa come conoscenza e dominio dei processi di invecchiamento - non ha avuto ancora piena affermazione in campo medico-...
Giuseppe Guglielmi Wilfred C. G. Peh Mario Cammisa
Plain radiography is still alive. In many institutions, including ours, conventional radiography has been replaced by digital systems including imaging-plate-based computed radiography and fat-panel detector-based digital radiography. Even for the education of radiation technologists, conventional flm-screen radiography has been de-- phasized, and their education is concentrated on digital systems. Spatial resolution of a conventional system is still far better than the current digital systems, although the dynamic range is wider in the latter system. Industrial flm radiography with small...
Plain radiography is still alive. In many institutions, including ours, conventional radiography has been replaced by digital systems including imagin...
Il volume nasce dall esperienza acquisita dagli autori con le lezioni svolte nel corso di laurea in Tecniche Radiologiche per Immagini e Radioterapia. I contenuti sono articolati in quattro parti principali - il Sistema e l Hardware, il Software, Macchine Evolute, Pratica e Applicazioni - e i singoli capitoli sono arricchiti da curiosit e approfondimenti allo scopo di sollecitare l attenzione del lettore a fini didattici. Con la stessa finalit nel testo si alternano concetti formativi, specialistici e squisitamente professionali, come le reti neurali, a richiami storici sulla evoluzione dei...
Il volume nasce dall esperienza acquisita dagli autori con le lezioni svolte nel corso di laurea in Tecniche Radiologiche per Immagini e Radioterapia....
Dopo esserci occupati della comunicazione degli esami radiologici nei Pazienti degenti in Ospedale, riteniamo opportuno trattarla anche in quelli ambulatoriali; in modo da completare l'argomento e integrare gli ambiti sanitari. Infatti, negli ambulatori convenzionati vengono effettuate prestazioni sanitarie, che l'Ospedale non e in grado di erogare, anche e soprattutto a Utenti, cioe a persone in apparente benessere, con le seguenti caratteristiche: -comunicazione di stato di malattia in fase pre-clinica, cioe asintomatica; -comunicazione di negativita in presunto malato; -richiamo ad...
Dopo esserci occupati della comunicazione degli esami radiologici nei Pazienti degenti in Ospedale, riteniamo opportuno trattarla anche in quelli ambu...
The diagnosis of osteoporosis and the determination of fracture risk has always been a challenge for radiologists, epidemiologists, and clinicians as well as oth er researchers and health care professionals working in the field. It is bone min eral density that is closely related to bone fragility, and the advent of techniques to quantitatively assess bone density has been welcomed. It has reduced the sub jectivity inherent to conventional radiologic assessment of osteoporosis. The on going technical process has made various techJ)iques to assess bone density wide ly available. However, these...
The diagnosis of osteoporosis and the determination of fracture risk has always been a challenge for radiologists, epidemiologists, and clinicians as ...
Osteoporosis is a serious problem worldwide, and its significance is continuing to increase as the world population grows and ages. Osteoporosis and Bone Densitometry Measurements provides a comprehensive review of the latest research on this potentially devastating condition. The book encompasses prevention, diagnosis, and therapy, providing state of the art information on each aspect. A wide range of topics are discussed, including differentiation between acute and chronic, benign and malignant vertebral fractures; the value of the WHO FRAX tool in patient evaluation; the roles of...
Osteoporosis is a serious problem worldwide, and its significance is continuing to increase as the world population grows and ages. Osteoporosis and B...
This book discusses prevention, diagnosis, and therapy in osteoporosis, covering acute and chronic, benign and malignant vertebral fractures, high-resolution imaging, treatment of compression fractures using kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty and much more.
This book discusses prevention, diagnosis, and therapy in osteoporosis, covering acute and chronic, benign and malignant vertebral fractures, high-res...
This book covers a wide range of different imaging techniques, and clearly explains the potential and the limitations of diagnostic imaging in geriatric patients. Covers each major region and bodily system, and includes a section on interventional procedures.
This book covers a wide range of different imaging techniques, and clearly explains the potential and the limitations of diagnostic imaging in geriatr...