Solitons are waves that retain their form through obstacle and distance. Solitons can be found in hydrodynamics, nonlinear optics, plasma physics, and biology. Optical solitons are solitary light waves that hold their form over an expansive interval. Conservation of this form creates an effective model for long distance voice and data transmission. The application of this principle is essential to the technology of wired communications. Optical solitons produce crystal clear phone calls cross-country and internationally. It is because of these that someone on the other end of the phone...
Solitons are waves that retain their form through obstacle and distance. Solitons can be found in hydrodynamics, nonlinear optics, plasma physics, and...
Linn F. Mollenauer Jonathan C. White Clifford R. Pollock
This book covers the entire field of tunable lasers, with the exception of dye lasers. Following an introductory chapter on common general principles, the remaining chapters - all written by leading experts in the field - each treat a particular class of tunable laser or process. In each case, a theoretical treatment is combined with a detailed practical description of the lasers and their operation. The book is written so as to be readily accessible to researchers and students alike. It is especially intended to enable the non-expert to choose the most appropriate tunable laser for a...
This book covers the entire field of tunable lasers, with the exception of dye lasers. Following an introductory chapter on common general principles...