Elementary-school teacher and former sports reporter Petrucci weaves a poignant tale of a young boy with a cleft palate, who finds respite from the harsh realities of small-town life by playing baseball. Twelve-year-old Nicky Palmieri is the leader of the Kelsey Avenue Crew, a neighborhood sandlot baseball team. Since he was born with a cleft palate and underbite which caused hearing and speech difficulties, however, he endures ridicule from the other students at Stiles Elementary School. Nicky undergoes several operations, all unsuccessful, and the school bullies refer to him as the "Lip" or...
Elementary-school teacher and former sports reporter Petrucci weaves a poignant tale of a young boy with a cleft palate, who finds respite from the ha...
Advance Praise For Heart of the Hide "Heart of the Hide is a story for all ages You can't help but root for the Kelsey Avenue Crew. You hope that Nicky Palmieri can figure things out. That telling the truth in the long run is much easier than lying. Most likely you'll be reading with moist eyes and tissue in hand." "And when you close the book and reflect on your childhood experiences and friends you can't help but root that Heart of the Hide finds a national audience." Award-winning sports columnist, Corky Blake, Easton Express-Times "A timeless story for all of us baseball people, young and...
Advance Praise For Heart of the Hide "Heart of the Hide is a story for all ages You can't help but root for the Kelsey Avenue Crew. You hope that Nick...