Analog CMOS integrated circuits are in widespread use for communications, entertainment, multimedia, biomedical, and many other applications that interface with the physical world. Although analog CMOS design is greatly complicated by the design choices of drain current, channel width, and channel length present for every MOS device in a circuit, these design choices afford significant opportunities for optimizing circuit performance.
This book addresses tradeoffs and optimization of device and circuit performance for selections of the drain current, inversion coefficient, and channel...
Analog CMOS integrated circuits are in widespread use for communications, entertainment, multimedia, biomedical, and many other applications that inte...
This book is the ultimate "dateless and lets keep it that way" for Dummies digest. In it you will learn what to wear, what to eat, where to go, and how to talk to someone - all with the purpose remaining alone and secluded, and rightly so
This book is the ultimate "dateless and lets keep it that way" for Dummies digest. In it you will learn what to wear, what to eat, where to go, and ho...