"In Search of the Okapi" from Ernest Glanville. South African author, known especially for his short stories which are widely read and taught in South Africa (1855-1925).
"In Search of the Okapi" from Ernest Glanville. South African author, known especially for his short stories which are widely read and taught in South...
"Tales from the Veld" from Ernest Glanville. South African author, known especially for his short stories which are widely read and taught in South Africa (1855-1925).
"Tales from the Veld" from Ernest Glanville. South African author, known especially for his short stories which are widely read and taught in South Af...
"The Golden Rock" from Ernest Glanville. South African author, known especially for his short stories which are widely read and taught in South Africa (1855-1925).
"The Golden Rock" from Ernest Glanville. South African author, known especially for his short stories which are widely read and taught in South Africa...
Not that he was really old when he died, but he had lived a life that had robbed him of his youth at one end and cut off the slow decline on the other. At fifteen he began the career of trader and hunter; before twenty he had been tossed by a buffalo, and broken his leg in a fall from his horse; at twenty-five he had been twice down with the fever; at thirty he was known as Old Hume; at fifty he had gone home to die-a man worn, sun-dried, and scarred with many wounds. Home to the Old Country, the land of his parents, the land of rest and green fields that had figured in his waking dreams, and...
Not that he was really old when he died, but he had lived a life that had robbed him of his youth at one end and cut off the slow decline on the other...
"Dick, why do you study Arabic so closely?" "To understand Arabic." "And further?" Dick Compton closed his book and placed it carefully in a leather case. "It is a pity you were born curious, Venning, otherwise you would have made an excellent companion for a studious man. 'Why do I wish to understand Arabic?' Why do you stand on one leg watching a tadpole shed its tail."
"Dick, why do you study Arabic so closely?" "To understand Arabic." "And further?" Dick Compton closed his book and placed it carefully in a leather c...
Riding over one warm afternoon, I found him leaning over a water-butt examining the little lively and red worms therein, which would soon hatch out into livelier mosquitoes. "Well, Uncle, how d'ye fare?" "Porly, lad, porly; pumpkins is scarce." Uncle Abe took a very old pipe from his pocket, and showed the emptiness of it by placing a very gnarled little finger into the black bowl. I held out my pouch.
Riding over one warm afternoon, I found him leaning over a water-butt examining the little lively and red worms therein, which would soon hatch out in...