The papers of this special issue demonstrate that cognitive load theory provides the framework for investigations into cognitive processes and instructional design. The genesis of Cognitive Load Theory emerged from an international symposium organized at the bi-annual conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction in 2001 in Fribourg, Switzerland. Most of the papers are based on contributions to that symposium and discuss the most recent work carried out within the cognitive load framework. As a whole, this issue is demonstrating that cognitive load...
The papers of this special issue demonstrate that cognitive load theory provides the framework for investigations into cognitive processes and instruc...
Passive Lernhaltung und mangelnde Anwendbarkeit des Erlernten sind die beiden Hauptprobleme, die erfolgreichem Unterrichten entgegenstehen. Diese These stellte Ann Brown, eine fuhrende Lernforscherin, 1994 als Prasidentin der American Educational Research Association in ihrer Ansprache auf. Die beiden Problematiken sind naturlich nicht unabhangig voneinander zu sehen. Gerade weil Lernende in traditionellen Lehrformen die meiste Zeit dazu "verdammt" sind, in der Rolle von passiven Zuhorern zu verweilen, wird sehr oft kein wirkliches Verstandnis des Lernstoffes erreicht, und das erworbene...
Passive Lernhaltung und mangelnde Anwendbarkeit des Erlernten sind die beiden Hauptprobleme, die erfolgreichem Unterrichten entgegenstehen. Diese Thes...
The papers of this special issue demonstrate that cognitive load theory provides the framework for investigations into cognitive processes and instructional design. The genesis of Cognitive Load Theory emerged from an international symposium organized at the bi-annual conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction in 2001 in Fribourg, Switzerland. Most of the papers are based on contributions to that symposium and discuss the most recent work carried out within the cognitive load framework. As a whole, this issue is demonstrating that cognitive load...
The papers of this special issue demonstrate that cognitive load theory provides the framework for investigations into cognitive processes and instruc...