Recent technological developments in sensing, communications, control and computation have created an emerging class of complex systems hereon called networked embedded systems. These systems can be roughly described as collections of spatially distributed sensors, actuators and controllers whose behaviour is coordinated through wired or wireless communication links. This integration between different technologies and scientific domains presents new and challenging fundamental problems underlying the theoretical foundations for this class of systems. This workshop aims at bringing together...
Recent technological developments in sensing, communications, control and computation have created an emerging class of complex systems hereon call...
Hybrid systems describe the interaction of software, described by finite models such as finite-state machines, with the physical world, described by infinite models such as differential equations. This book addresses problems of verification and controller synthesis for hybrid systems. Although these problems are very difficult to solve for general hybrid systems, several authors have identified classes of hybrid systems that admit symbolic or finite models. The novelty of the book lies on the systematic presentation of these classes of hybrid systems along with the relationships between...
Hybrid systems describe the interaction of software, described by finite models such as finite-state machines, with the physical world, described b...