This book represents an amalgam of objectives related to the study of petroleum at many, diverselevels. Themostimportantattributeanythrivingtechnical?eldmust have is an injection and infusion of dedicated, expert, young scientists who have absorbed from their elders the fascination of scienti?c mystery coupled with the fundamental satisfaction of revelation and providing contribution. And, of course, these youthful practitioners must also learn to challenge the authority of their - ders. Fromexperienceswithmyownstudents, thisseemsnottobeaproblem. Many chapters in this book are coauthored by...
This book represents an amalgam of objectives related to the study of petroleum at many, diverselevels. Themostimportantattributeanythrivingtechnical?...
This book represents an amalgam of objectives related to the study of petroleum at many, diverselevels. Themostimportantattributeanythrivingtechnical?eldmust have is an injection and infusion of dedicated, expert, young scientists who have absorbed from their elders the fascination of scienti?c mystery coupled with the fundamental satisfaction of revelation and providing contribution. And, of course, these youthful practitioners must also learn to challenge the authority of their - ders. Fromexperienceswithmyownstudents, thisseemsnottobeaproblem. Many chapters in this book are coauthored by...
This book represents an amalgam of objectives related to the study of petroleum at many, diverselevels. Themostimportantattributeanythrivingtechnical?...