Der in diesem Buch vorgestellte Ansatz gibt einen Einblick in die Nutzung der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse in Unternehmen. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele zeigen die Autoren, wie ein systematisches Verfahren zur Erfassung, Bewertung und Steuerung unternehmensinterner sozialer Netzwerke erfolgreich eingesetzt werden kann. Ein solches Verfahren kann auf unterschiedliche Themen- und Problemstellungen wie beispielsweise Prozessanalyse, Post-Merger-Integration, Einfuhrung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen, team- und abteilungsubergreifende Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit, Kostenoptimierung,...
Der in diesem Buch vorgestellte Ansatz gibt einen Einblick in die Nutzung der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse in Unternehmen. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiel...
Now in its second edition, this extended and thoroughly updated handbook introduces researchers and students to the growing range of theoretical and methodological perspectives being developed in the vibrant field of strategy as practice. With new authors and additional chapters, it shows how the strategy-as-practice approach in strategic management moves away from disembodied and asocial studies of firm assets, technologies and practices to explore and explain the contribution that strategizing makes to people working at all levels of an organization. It breaks down many of the traditional...
Now in its second edition, this extended and thoroughly updated handbook introduces researchers and students to the growing range of theoretical and m...
A systematic and comprehensive introduction to the different aspects of strategy as practice, capturing recent developments and providing suggestions for future research.
A systematic and comprehensive introduction to the different aspects of strategy as practice, capturing recent developments and providing suggestions ...
The first book to offer a comprehensive overview of the different practices and challenges of Open Strategy, as well as the diverse applicable research perspectives. It will appeal to organization and strategy scholars, master's students in business and management, and practitioners, such as consultants and strategy staff in established firms.
The first book to offer a comprehensive overview of the different practices and challenges of Open Strategy, as well as the diverse applicable researc...