This is the police jurisdiction from which the PAR is selected; it is written at the top of the PAR and is prefaced by the character "PJ." The police jurisdiction may also be shown as the second of three numbers separated by -'s. The first number in the set of three is the primary sampling unit; the second is the police jurisdiction; and the third is the PAR number. The jurisdiction number written on the PAR must match the number shown in the "GES Input Form" PAR/Jurisdiction field.
This is the police jurisdiction from which the PAR is selected; it is written at the top of the PAR and is prefaced by the character "PJ." The police ...
This is the police jurisdiction from which the PAR is selected; it is written at the top of the PAR and is prefaced by the character "PJ." The police jurisdiction may also be shown as the second of three numbers separated by -'s. The first number in the set of three is the primary sampling unit; the second is the police jurisdiction; and the third is the PAR number. The jurisdiction number written on the PAR must match the number shown in the "GES Input Form" PAR/Jurisdiction field.
This is the police jurisdiction from which the PAR is selected; it is written at the top of the PAR and is prefaced by the character "PJ." The police ...
Transportation sources are a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions nationally and are often considered a key component of climate change migration effects.
Transportation sources are a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions nationally and are often considered a key component of climate change...
A Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics is a principal part of the Federal Highway Administration's comprehensive highway information collection effort.
A Guide to Reporting Highway Statistics is a principal part of the Federal Highway Administration's comprehensive highway information collection effor...
The purpose of this guidebook is to assist transportation agencies with carrying out a scenario planning process from start to finish. Transportation agencies can use the guidebook as a framework to develop a scenario planning approach tailored to their needs.
The purpose of this guidebook is to assist transportation agencies with carrying out a scenario planning process from start to finish. Transportation ...
The Transportation Research Board's (TRB) 2010 Environment and Energy Workshop: Better Delivery of Better Solutions, which will be held June 6-10, 2010 in Raleigh, North Carolina, will commence with a session to discuss research needs in the workshop's focus area topics: climate change, sustainability, energy, and livability. These four topic areas play an important role in shaping and delivering transportation solutions for the future. The four white papers included in this document are intended to inform the opening session by providing a synthesis representing views from select TRB...
The Transportation Research Board's (TRB) 2010 Environment and Energy Workshop: Better Delivery of Better Solutions, which will be held June 6-10, 201...
From May 2004 to February 2005, 78 drivers participated in a field operational test of Road-Departure Crash Warning system. The RDCW warned drivers when they were drifting out of their lane or were about to enter a curve at an unsafe speed.
From May 2004 to February 2005, 78 drivers participated in a field operational test of Road-Departure Crash Warning system. The RDCW warned drivers wh...
Transportation agencies use a variety of metrics to document progress toward achieving specific goals and objectives. This guide, developed by Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) program, is intended to help State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and local transportation agencies develop individual programs to measure success toward linking transportation planning and environmental analysis. This guide provides a framework for establishing measures that transportation agencies can utilize to develop...
Transportation agencies use a variety of metrics to document progress toward achieving specific goals and objectives. This guide, developed by Federal...
The National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) is a nationwide crash data collection program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation. It is operated by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
The National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) is a nationwide crash data collection program sponsored by the U.S. D...
The National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) is a nationwide crash data collection program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation. It is operated by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
The National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) is a nationwide crash data collection program sponsored by the U.S. D...