The purport of this book is shown in the letter following which I addressed to the editor of the Daily News some months ago: - "I thank you for reminding your readers, by reference to my humble work, that the delight of growing orchids can be enjoyed by persons of very modest fortune. To spread that knowledge is my contribution to philanthropy, and I make bold to say that it ranks as high as some which are commended from pulpits and platforms
The purport of this book is shown in the letter following which I addressed to the editor of the Daily News some months ago: - "I thank you for remind...
This question may be answered shortly; it was formed-at least the beginning of it-under compulsion. After fifteen years of very hard work, Mr. Measures broke down. The doctor prescribed a long rest, and insisted on it; but the patient was equally determined not to risk the career just opening, with an assurance of success, by taking a twelve-months' holiday.
This question may be answered shortly; it was formed-at least the beginning of it-under compulsion. After fifteen years of very hard work, Mr. Measure...