Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple but fascinating eukaryotic microorg- ism, whose natural habitat is deciduous forest soil and decaying leaves, where the amoebae feed on bacteria and grow as independent single cells. Exhaustion of the bacterial food source triggers a developmental program, in which up to 100,000 cells aggregate by chemotaxis towards cAMP. Morphogenesis and cell different- tion then culminate in the production of spores enabling the organism to survive unfavorable conditions. Dictyostelium offers unique advantages for studying f- damental cellular processes with the aid of...
Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple but fascinating eukaryotic microorg- ism, whose natural habitat is deciduous forest soil and decaying leaves, whe...
Christoph S. Clemen Ludwig Eichinger Vasily Rybakin
The Coronin Family of Proteins Christoph S. Clemen, * Vasily Rybakin and Ludwig Eichinger he coronins, first described in Dictyostelium discoideum in 1991, have meanwhile been detected in all eukaryotes except plants. They belong to the superfamily of WD40-repeat Tproteins and represent a large family of proteins, which are often involved in cytoskeletal functions. Phylogenetic studies clearly distinguish 12 subfamilies of which six exclusively occur in vertebrates. In the present book we have made a sincere attempt to provide a comprehensive overview on all aspects of coronin proteins...
The Coronin Family of Proteins Christoph S. Clemen, * Vasily Rybakin and Ludwig Eichinger he coronins, first described in Dictyostelium discoideum in ...
Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple but fascinating eukaryotic microorg- ism, whose natural habitat is deciduous forest soil and decaying leaves, where the amoebae feed on bacteria and grow as independent single cells. Exhaustion of the bacterial food source triggers a developmental program, in which up to 100,000 cells aggregate by chemotaxis towards cAMP. Morphogenesis and cell different- tion then culminate in the production of spores enabling the organism to survive unfavorable conditions. Dictyostelium offers unique advantages for studying f- damental cellular processes with the aid of...
Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple but fascinating eukaryotic microorg- ism, whose natural habitat is deciduous forest soil and decaying leaves, whe...
Schon lange wurde nicht mehr so engagiert uber die Lage der deutschen Sprache gestritten. Viele der Sorgen sind keineswegs neu, aber sie werden seit einigen Jahren mit neuer Dringlichkeit offentlich vorgetragen: Die deutsche Sprache verfalle zusehends, ihr reicher Wortschatz und ihre Grammatik verarmten, und im internationalen Wettbewerb sei das Deutsche langst ins Hintertreffen geraten, wahrend Anglizismen sich in unserer Sprache ausbreiteten - so lauten einige der Alarmmeldungen. Doch wie ist es tatsachlich um Reichtum und Armut der deutschen Sprache bestellt? Welche Sorgen sind...
Schon lange wurde nicht mehr so engagiert uber die Lage der deutschen Sprache gestritten. Viele der Sorgen sind keineswegs neu, aber sie werden sei...