Foreign Aid as Foreign Policy presents a wide-ranging, thoughtful analysis of the most significant economic-aid program of the 1960s, John F. Kennedy's Alliance for Progress. Introduced in 1961, the program was a ten-year, multi-billion-dollar foreign-aid commitment to Latin American nations, meant to help promote economic growth and political reform, with the long-term goal of countering Communism in the region. Considering the Alliance for Progress in Chile, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia, Jeffrey F. Taffet deftly examines the program's successes and failures, providing an...
Foreign Aid as Foreign Policy presents a wide-ranging, thoughtful analysis of the most significant economic-aid program of the 1960s, John F. Kenne...
The United States and Latin America presents a complex and dynamic view of the relationship between the United States and Latin America. Through a combination of targeted, thematic chapters and a range of freshly-translated documents, Jeffrey F. Taffet and Dustin Walcher illuminate the historical continuities and conflicts that have defined the vital relationship. Giving equal weight to Latin American and United States voices, this text provides an essential collection of primary sources for students and scholars, and is an indispensable touchstone for anyone...
The United States and Latin America presents a complex and dynamic view of the relationship between the United States and Latin America. Through...