Sir John Hicks is one of the highest-regarded contemporary economists, and it is fitting that the new series of Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists should commence with his work.
Awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1972, Sir John Hicks work is extremely wide-ranging, with the list of topics reading almost like an agenda for the whole of modern economics: general equilibrium theory, welfare economics, problems of index numbers, trade cycles, wages and many others. He may, however, be best known to present day economists for having introduced IS-LM curves,...
Sir John Hicks is one of the highest-regarded contemporary economists, and it is fitting that the new series of Critical Assessments of Contemp...
The Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek is particularly noted as one of the premier defenders of the free market, stressing the benefits of personal liberty and arguing against economic planning. This four-volume set of Hayek's essays provides a full summary of the Nobel Prize-winner's theories.
The Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek is particularly noted as one of the premier defenders of the free market, stressing the benefits of personal li...
This is the 14th work in the series of critical assessments on leading economists and contemporary economists. Each set presents a comprehensive selection of the critical literature commenting on the life and works of a leading economist."
This is the 14th work in the series of critical assessments on leading economists and contemporary economists. Each set presents a comprehensive selec...
Like all great intellectual pioneers, Wassily Leontief has inspired a new generation of researchers. This three-volume set contains a collection of key articles that critically assess Leontief's contribution to economics, as well as a number of articles that build on his economic theories.
Like all great intellectual pioneers, Wassily Leontief has inspired a new generation of researchers. This three-volume set contains a collection of ke...
Almost 220 years later, Adam Smith's influence is fundamental to the economic systems of the West. His work has been the object of much discussion and debate. As a result, there is a vast collection of literature on Smith. The first series of Adam Smith: Critical Assessments, published in 1984, brought together the major articles.
Almost 220 years later, Adam Smith's influence is fundamental to the economic systems of the West. His work has been the object of much discussion and...
John Maynard Keynes is universally acknowledged as both the greatest and the most influential economist of the twentieth century. John Maynard Keynes: Critical Assessments - Second Series sets a new benchmark in Keynes scholarship by making available 150 of the most significant journal articles on Keynes and his economics. In the last decade interest in Keynes has reached a new height. The period has seen the completion of the 30 volume Collected works of Keynes and the publication of several major biographies, bringing much new material to light and stimulating intense debate. There has been...
John Maynard Keynes is universally acknowledged as both the greatest and the most influential economist of the twentieth century. John Maynard Keynes:...
This text brings together some 107 articles on the great economist Piero Sraffa. His work is notoriously eliptical and elusive and has prompted a massive and often heated critical literature. The work presents a detailed overview of the analytical writings on Sraffa from contemporary sources through to the present day. The articles have been chosen to cover all aspects of Sraffa's work, from the theory to the practical application.
This text brings together some 107 articles on the great economist Piero Sraffa. His work is notoriously eliptical and elusive and has prompted a mass...
Hayek's reputation has gone through a remarkable cycle. An eminent exponent of the Austrian theory of business cycles in the 1930s, he was worsted in the controversy over Keynes' Treatise on Money (1930). Following this defeat, Hayek retreated into capital theory, an esoteric branch of economics in which few economists then took an active interest. He gave up economics altogether after the war and turned to psychology, political philosophy, philosophy of law and the history of ideas. However, in 1974 he won the Nobel Prize and returned to mainstream economics as a leading critic...
Hayek's reputation has gone through a remarkable cycle. An eminent exponent of the Austrian theory of business cycles in the 1930s, he was worsted ...
George Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is widely recognized as the progenitor of the human relations movement in management and his work laid the foundations for later management and organizational thinking. Mayo's work highlighted the importance of communication between management and workers and identified the now-accepted notion that work satisfaction, and therefore productivity, lies in recognition, security, and a sense of belonging, rather than monetary rewards. His findings were contrary to the theories of his contemporaries that the worker is motivated solely by self-interest (e.g....
George Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is widely recognized as the progenitor of the human relations movement in management and his work laid the foundations f...