Frank D. Gunstone Gunstone D. Gunstone F. D. Gunstone
This text addresses critical topics in the expanding market and production for lipids. It combines novel and traditional methods from technological and biological perspectives to achieve the most effective pathways for production of modified lipids. The book is organized into three sections exploring development, new production methods and successful products and uses.
This text addresses critical topics in the expanding market and production for lipids. It combines novel and traditional methods from technological an...
Frank D. Gunstone Gunstone D. Gunstone Frank D. Gunstone
Provides a review of the major technologies and applications of lipids in food and nonfood uses, including current and future trends. The text discusses the nature of lipids, their major sources and role in nutrition.
Provides a review of the major technologies and applications of lipids in food and nonfood uses, including current and future trends. The text discuss...
Sheffield Academic Press Frank D. Gunstone Gunstone D. Gunstone
Synthesis is an important chemical activity with new and revised procedures being developed continually. This work focuses on the synthesis and production of fatty acids and closely related derivatives. It also focuses on vitamin E, other natural antioxidants, sugar esters and ethers and food surfactants.
Synthesis is an important chemical activity with new and revised procedures being developed continually. This work focuses on the synthesis and produc...