Encore plus peut-tre quun Michel Houellebecq (que lon voit rarement la tlvision), Frdric Beigbeder est le symbole dune nouvelle gnration de romanciers qui agace lintelligentsia. Ainsi, la constatation initiale qui se trouve lorigine de ce volume est qu cause de sa personnalit et de ses activits multiples, Beigbeder existe uniquement pour ses innombrables fidles travers le monde qui se satisfont de la lecture de ses romans. Pour les autres dans leur grande majorit - les critiques, les universitaires, les intellectuels il ne mrite aucune attention srieuse, ses uvres nexistent pas. Or, en ce qui...
Encore plus peut-tre quun Michel Houellebecq (que lon voit rarement la tlvision), Frdric Beigbeder est le symbole dune nouvelle gnration de romanciers...
With AI, cryptocurrency, and more in the news, it seems that being an entrepreneur means being in IT, but humanities graduates are launching new businesses every day, turning a profit and having social impact. This book explores how a humanities background can enable entrepreneurs to thrive.
With AI, cryptocurrency, and more in the news, it seems that being an entrepreneur means being in IT, but humanities graduates are launching new busin...
With AI, cryptocurrency, and more in the news, it seems that being an entrepreneur means being in IT, but humanities graduates are launching new businesses every day, turning a profit and having social impact. This book explores how a humanities background can enable entrepreneurs to thrive.
With AI, cryptocurrency, and more in the news, it seems that being an entrepreneur means being in IT, but humanities graduates are launching new busin...