These notes are based on a course which I gave during the academic year 1983-84 at the University of Colorado. My intention was to provide both my audience as well as myself with an introduction to the theory of 1arie deviations - The organization of sections 1) through 3) owes something to chance and a great deal to the excellent set of notes written by R. Azencott for the course which he gave in 1978 at Saint-Flour (cf. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 774). To be more precise: it is chance that I was around N. Y. U. at the time'when M. Schilder wrote his thesis. and so it may be...
These notes are based on a course which I gave during the academic year 1983-84 at the University of Colorado. My intention was to provide both my aud...
The central and distinguishing feature shared by all the contributions made by K. Ito is the extraordinary insight which they convey. Reading his papers, one should try to picture the intellectual setting in which he was working. At the time when he was a student in Tokyo during the late 1930s, probability theory had only recently entered the age of continuous-time stochastic processes: N. Wiener had accomplished his amazing construction little more than a decade earlier (Wiener, N., "Differential space," J. Math. Phys. 2, (1923)), Levy had hardly begun the mysterious web he was to eventually...
The central and distinguishing feature shared by all the contributions made by K. Ito is the extraordinary insight which they convey. Reading his pape...