With contributions from prominent experts, this comprehensive handbook covers the field of non-invasive biophysical measurement methods in clinical and experimental dermatology. Structured to provide both educational and practical information, the book has proven to be of value to both young researchers and senior scientists. All coverage of major evaluation and measurement methods share a consistent format, covering scope, sources of error, application, and validity. The second edition incorporates 69 revised chapters and 95 new chapters covering topics such as computer technique, imaging...
With contributions from prominent experts, this comprehensive handbook covers the field of non-invasive biophysical measurement methods in clinical an...
Books mark the progress of Man since they were invented. Through them we are able to gain insight into the minds of our predecessors better than through any other medium. They describe how the delicate interplay between practice and ideal, which is better known as evolution, has brought forward the societies in which we now live. A book marks the synthesis of knowledge in a different way from individual papers. A certain maturity and volume of understanding and knowledge is necessary before the material is suitable for a book. The timing of the cognitive and analytical synt- sis represented...
Books mark the progress of Man since they were invented. Through them we are able to gain insight into the minds of our predecessors better than throu...
This is the first and most comprehensive book perts to give their opinion and interpretation of dedicated to the understanding and treatment the disease, and left our own point of view to the of hidradenitis suppurativa. The most recent chapters summarizing pathogenesis and the- monograph on this disease was Dr Benedek s py. At points you may therefore find discussions supplement to Acta Dermatovenerologica in of e. g. apocrine glands with which the editors 1957 (1) The long interval has not been justified may disagree, but rather than suppress infor- by a benign nature or quiet disposition...
This is the first and most comprehensive book perts to give their opinion and interpretation of dedicated to the understanding and treatment the disea...