"We are finite beings in an infinite existence on a neverending exploration called life," notes this teenage author. Struggling with the basic questions we all encounter along the journey yet guided by his father's often overused but subtly comforting adage "Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal, " Anthony Orlando takes us through his unique adventures in the hope that we might all find the answer to life's queries. With the pioneer attitude that man was meant to explore, Anthony combines the stories of his interesting travels with insights from a teenage soul to write "Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal:...
"We are finite beings in an infinite existence on a neverending exploration called life," notes this teenage author. Struggling with the basic questio...
"We are finite beings in an infinite existence on a neverending exploration called life," notes this teenage author. Struggling with the basic questions we all encounter along the journey yet guided by his father's often overused but subtly comforting adage "Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal, " Anthony Orlando takes us through his unique adventures in the hope that we might all find the answer to life's queries. With the pioneer attitude that man was meant to explore, Anthony combines the stories of his interesting travels with insights from a teenage soul to write "Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal:...
"We are finite beings in an infinite existence on a neverending exploration called life," notes this teenage author. Struggling with the basic questio...