Charles Jackson (1903-1968) is best known for his novel, The Lost Weekend. Published less than a decade after the founding of AA, the novel's intense psychological portrait of an alcoholic captivated both the public and critics. But Jackson's success was short-lived. His second novel probed a subject far more daring than chemical dependency. In 1946 he published The Fall of Valor, a novel about a married professor's homosexual attachment to a young Marine captain. The critics who applauded his frank approach to alcoholism were disturbed that he would write about a subject many deemed...
Charles Jackson (1903-1968) is best known for his novel, The Lost Weekend. Published less than a decade after the founding of AA, the novel's intense ...
Explores how the memory of the Second World War continues to affect British contemporary life. This book explores the way in which the British memory of the Second World War was created during the war, and maintained after it through cultural artifacts such as films, comics, art, literature and toys.
Explores how the memory of the Second World War continues to affect British contemporary life. This book explores the way in which the British memory ...