Australia and Canada may have different security strategies, reflecting contrasting domestic circumstances, but John Blaxland shows that common interests have led their forces to work together for over a century. Strategic Cousins examines the role of the professional armed forces of these geographically distant nations through a comparison of their historical experiences with expeditionary land forces. Blaxland traces the shift from ties with the British Empire, which led Canadian and Australian forces to fight in the Boer War, the two World Wars, and Korea, to their contribution alongside...
Australia and Canada may have different security strategies, reflecting contrasting domestic circumstances, but John Blaxland shows that common intere...
Australia and Canada may have different security strategies, reflecting contrasting domestic circumstances, but John Blaxland shows that common interests have led their forces to work together for over a century. Strategic Cousins examines the role of the professional armed forces of these geographically distant nations through a comparison of their historical experiences with expeditionary land forces. Blaxland traces the shift from ties with the British Empire, which led Canadian and Australian forces to fight in the Boer War, the two World Wars, and Korea, to their contribution alongside...
Australia and Canada may have different security strategies, reflecting contrasting domestic circumstances, but John Blaxland shows that common intere...