Volume 2 of the URDU commentary on Matthew, Mark and Luke. This commentary deals with the later ministry of the Lord Jesus up until his trial. Each chapter concludes with as series of questions for consideration and points for prayer to help make the lessons practical.
Volume 2 of the URDU commentary on Matthew, Mark and Luke. This commentary deals with the later ministry of the Lord Jesus up until his trial. Each ch...
Si tu Hermano Peca... No podemos escapar a los problemas entre los creyentes como no podemos escapar de los problemas entre los ninos de nuestras familias. No siempre vamos a estar de acuerdo en como hacer las cosas, y en ocasiones actuamos por ira u orgullo. Es entonces cuando las personalidades chocan, y la gente sale herida. Las Escrituras estan llenas de ejemplos de choques entre los creyentes. El Senor sabia que estos problemas iban a suceder y nos proveyo un espacio para ello en las Escrituras. De particular interes nos resulta la ensenanza de Jesus que se encuentra en Mateo 18:15-17....
Si tu Hermano Peca... No podemos escapar a los problemas entre los creyentes como no podemos escapar de los problemas entre los ninos de nuestras fami...
Jesus dijo en Juan 10:10 - "Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia." Muchos hombres y mujeres se aglomeraban a Su alrededor para escucharle predicar, y la vida de todos ellos Jesus toco durante Su breve estancia en la tierra. El tocaba tanto a ricos como a pobres, a pecadores como a religiosos, a enfermos como a sanos. Su gran deseo siempre fue que tuviesen una vida abundante y plena. Han pasado muchisimos anos desde que Jesus resucito de entre los muertos, y hay personas alrededor del mundo conociendole aun en la actualidad. Es innumerable la cantidad de vidas que han...
Jesus dijo en Juan 10:10 - "Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia." Muchos hombres y mujeres se aglomeraban a Su alrededor para...
En una epoca en la que estamos en busca de nuevos programas y tecnicas para mantener el interes y hacer que crezcan nuestras iglesias, no es dificil perderse la sencillez de lo que Dios esta comunicando a Su pueblo en estos versiculos. La salud de nuestras iglesias y de nuestra vida espiritual no depende de tecnicas ni de programas nuevos, sino de volver a la sencilla ensenanza de la Palabra de Dios. II Cronicas 7:13-14 constituye la clave para la salud y el fruto espirituales."
En una epoca en la que estamos en busca de nuevos programas y tecnicas para mantener el interes y hacer que crezcan nuestras iglesias, no es dificil p...
If we are honest with ourselves, life has not always turned out as we expected. As youth we imagined life with great ambition and romance. The fairy tale that was to be our life, however, was shattered by reality. The nation of Israel also had her ideas of what freedom from bondage of Egypt would look like and their notions of what God would do for them. Exodus 16:3 has a lot to tell us about Israel's expectations and notions of God. It has some important lessons for us as we face the disappointments and detours of life. This study is a look at Exodus 16:3 and its application as we face the...
If we are honest with ourselves, life has not always turned out as we expected. As youth we imagined life with great ambition and romance. The fairy t...
These were wonderful and challenging days for the early church. Believers were stepping out into new territory. They did not have years of experience to draw upon. Their understanding of the work of Christ and the purpose of God for this newly founded church was only now beginning to form. They had no training. They had no buildings or programs. The church that gathered lacked spiritual understanding and maturity. Humanly speaking, they were not qualified to lead this great work of God. Yet, the church of that day would become a powerful example for generations to follow. This study of Acts...
These were wonderful and challenging days for the early church. Believers were stepping out into new territory. They did not have years of experience ...
In a day when almost anything seems possible through technology and human wisdom, we need to be reminded again why we need the Holy Spirit and his enabling power. In a day of mass communication, we need to learn how to distinguish the voice of God from all other voices calling for our attention. Learning to walk as God requires is a lifetime effort. Scripture, however, does speak powerfully of our need of a strength greater than our own to live the life God requires. Could it be that one of the greatest tragedies of the Christian life is that we have never learned the importance of the Holy...
In a day when almost anything seems possible through technology and human wisdom, we need to be reminded again why we need the Holy Spirit and his ena...