Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive and act responsibly without such painful measures. Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves is the answer to this universal wish. It is not about gentle ways to control a child, but about a way of being and of understanding a child so she/he can be the best of herself, not because she fears you or seeks your approval but because she wants to, of her own free will. Aldort's guidance takes the struggle out of parenting. The book is full of real...
Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive ...
Liebe, emotionale Sicherheit und Selbstbestimmtheit sind die größten Geschenke, die wir unseren Kindern mit auf den Weg geben können. Doch oft gelingt uns das nicht. Zwar sind wir es leid, ständig zu schimpfen, Konsequenzen anzudrohen oder sonstwie Druck auszuüben, doch alle Welt scheint davon überzeugt zu sein, dass es eben leider nicht anders geht.§Naomi Aldort belehrt uns eines Besseren. Sie zeigt uns, wie wir den alltäglichen Erziehungskampf beenden, die Waffen niederlegen und dennoch dafür sorgen können, dass unsere Kinder gedeihen und zu einem verantwortungsvollen Menschen...
Liebe, emotionale Sicherheit und Selbstbestimmtheit sind die größten Geschenke, die wir unseren Kindern mit auf den Weg geben können. Doch oft geli...
Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive and act responsibly without such painful measures. Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves is the answer to this universal wish. It is not about gentle ways to control a child, but about a way of being and of understanding a child so she/he can be the best of herself, not because she fears you or seeks your approval but because she wants to, of her own free will.
Aldort's guidance takes the struggle out of parenting. The book is full of...
Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive ...