First titled, "The Holy Man on the Mountain," this book tells the fascinating life story of Padre Pio, with emphasis on his life as a seminarian, young priest and his early decades at San Giovanni Rotondo. Incredible is the number of times the Capuchins sent him home sick unto death while a seminarian and young priest and how he was finally sent to remote San Giovanni Rotondo "For a couple of weeks of mountain air." He never left. But from this small, remote mountain friary, he became world famous and exercised unbelievable influence on the entire world--though early on, he was forbidden by...
First titled, "The Holy Man on the Mountain," this book tells the fascinating life story of Padre Pio, with emphasis on his life as a seminarian, youn...
A collection of stories, tales and marvels from the life of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. In them the reader will discover not only the truth about Padre Pio's stigmata, but will also learn about many of his supernatural gifts such as bilocation, healing, and reading of souls. Most importantly, one will have a clearer picture of the spiritual depth of Padre Pio.
A collection of stories, tales and marvels from the life of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. In them the reader will discover not only the truth about Pa...