This book draws together research on posthumanism and studies of kinship to elaborate an account of western human kinship practices. Studies of kinship have increasingly sought to critique the normative assumptions that often underpin how caring relationships between humans are understood. The categorisation of 'human' and 'kinship' is brought into question and this book examines who might be excluded through adherence to accepted categories and how a critical lens may broaden our understanding of caring relationships. Bringing together a diverse array of analytic foci and theoretical lenses,...
This book draws together research on posthumanism and studies of kinship to elaborate an account of western human kinship practices. Studies of kinshi...
The inalienable right to have children is a cornerstone to western societies, and yet for many people, surrogacy remains their only option. This important new book explores this highly contested area through a critical psychology perspective, discussing the many socio-cultural issues and health concerns faced by surrogates, prospective parents and clinical providers. Including empirical research conducted by the authors with both heterosexual and homosexual couples, this is the first book to look holistically and cross-culturally at this provocative topic, and will be of interested to...
The inalienable right to have children is a cornerstone to western societies, and yet for many people, surrogacy remains their only option. This im...
The inalienable right to have children is a cornerstone to western societies, and yet for many people, surrogacy remains their only option. This important new book explores this highly contested area through a critical psychology perspective, discussing the many socio-cultural issues and health concerns faced by surrogates, prospective parents and clinical providers. Including empirical research conducted by the authors with both heterosexual and homosexual couples, this is the first book to look holistically and cross-culturally at this provocative topic, and will be of interested to...
The inalienable right to have children is a cornerstone to western societies, and yet for many people, surrogacy remains their only option. This im...
Exploring tensions within gay men's communities in regard to race, The Psychic Life of Racism in Gay Men's Communities examines the operations of racialized desire, highlighting the considerable diversity among gay men's experiences.
Exploring tensions within gay men's communities in regard to race, The Psychic Life of Racism in Gay Men's Communities examines the operations of raci...