This 2005 edition (ISBN 0-9743472-4-8 in the Cultural Classics Series by Ria University Press) contains an exact replica copy of the complete first edition of Robert C. W. Ettinger's 1972 cultural classic, MAN INTO SUPERMAN. Additional (2005) materials include three paper contributions: (1) "A Short History of Transhumanist Thought" (By Nick Bostrom, Ph.D.); (2) "A Brief History of Modern Transhumanism" (By R. Michael Perry, Ph.D.); and, (3) "My Dog Is A Very Good Dog -- Or -- The Unprecedented Urgency Of New Research Priorities To Dismantle Doomsday And Cultivate Transhumanity" (By Charles...
This 2005 edition (ISBN 0-9743472-4-8 in the Cultural Classics Series by Ria University Press) contains an exact replica copy of the complete first ed...
Youniverse is about you and the way things really are--how to improve your chances of a much longer and more satisfying life. It could be called an extension of an old and honorable tradition, that of enlightened self-interest. Traditional ideologies teach sacrifice for something "greater" than yourself, but in the era of cryonics and anti-senescence research, with a little brains and a little luck, you can do much better.
Youniverse is about you and the way things really are--how to improve your chances of a much longer and more satisfying life. It could be called an ex...