The spin degree of freedom is an intrinsically quantum-mechanical phenomenon, leading to both intriguing applications and unsolved fundamental issues (such as "where does the proton spin come from"). The present volume investigates central aspects of modern spin physics in the form of extensive lectures on semiconductor spintronics, the spin-pairing mechanism in high-temperature semiconductors, spin in quantum field theory and the nucleon spin.
The spin degree of freedom is an intrinsically quantum-mechanical phenomenon, leading to both intriguing applications and unsolved fundamental issu...
Quantum coherence is a phenomenon that plays a crucial role in various forms of matter. The thriving field of quantum information as well as unconventional approaches to use mesoscopic systems in future optoelectronic devices provide the exciting background for this set of lectures.
The lectures originate from the well-known Schladming Winter Schools and are carefully edited so as to address a broad readership ranging from the beginning graduate student up to the senior scientist wanting to keep up with or to enter newly emerging fields of research.
Quantum coherence is a phenomenon that plays a crucial role in various forms of matter. The thriving field of quantum information as well as unconv...