This volume is the second in a series of three volumes dedicated to the lecture notes of the summer school "Open Quantum Systems" which took place in the Institut Fourier in Grenoble, from June 16th to July 4th 2003. The contributions presented in thesevolumesarerevisedandexpandedversionsofthenotesprovidedtothestudents during the school. After the rst volume, developing the Hamiltonian approach of open quantum systems, this second volume is dedicated to the Markovian approach. The third volume presents both approaches, but at the recent research level. Open quantum systems A quantum open...
This volume is the second in a series of three volumes dedicated to the lecture notes of the summer school "Open Quantum Systems" which took place in ...
This volume is the third and last of a series devoted to the lecture notes of the Grenoble Summer School on "Open Quantum Systems" which took place at the th th Institut Fourier from June 16 to July 4 2003. The contributions presented in this volumecorrespondtoexpanded versionsofthelecturenotesprovidedbytheauthors to the students of the Summer School. The corresponding lectures were scheduled in the last part of the School devoted to recent developments in the study of Open Quantum Systems. Whereas the rst two volumes were dedicated to a detailed exposition of the mathematical techniques and...
This volume is the third and last of a series devoted to the lecture notes of the Grenoble Summer School on "Open Quantum Systems" which took place at...