Ifanyonehadadoubtregardingtheimportanceofmacroeconomics, the?nancial andeconomiccrisisof2007 2009shouldhaverelievedhim/herofit.Furthermore, at times the unfolding drama and its historical background was an education in macroeconomicsinitself.Itseemedeveryonewasanxioustolearnaboutthecauses of the crisis, its turns and twists, and the possible remedies and their effecti- ness.Thisisbe?ttingsincemacroeconomics asweknowitnowwastheproduct ofanothereconomiccrisis. OnThursday, October 24, 1929 (known asBlack Thursday), thestockmarket crashed.Withinayear,...
Ifanyonehadadoubtregardingtheimportanceofmacroeconomics, the?nancial andeconomiccrisisof2007 2009shouldhaverelievedhim/herofit.Furthermore, at times t...
This is a book on the basics of mathematics and computation and their uses in economics for modern day students and practitioners. The reader is introduced to the basics of numerical analysis as well as the use of computer programs such as Matlab and Excel in carrying out involved computations. Sections are devoted to the use of Maple in mathematical analysis. Examples drawn from recent contributions to economic theory and econometrics as well as a variety of end of chapter exercises help to illustrate and apply the presented concepts.
This is a book on the basics of mathematics and computation and their uses in economics for modern day students and practitioners. The reader is intro...
Ifanyonehadadoubtregardingtheimportanceofmacroeconomics, the?nancial andeconomiccrisisof2007 2009shouldhaverelievedhim/herofit.Furthermore, at times the unfolding drama and its historical background was an education in macroeconomicsinitself.Itseemedeveryonewasanxioustolearnaboutthecauses of the crisis, its turns and twists, and the possible remedies and their effecti- ness.Thisisbe?ttingsincemacroeconomics asweknowitnowwastheproduct ofanothereconomiccrisis. OnThursday, October 24, 1929 (known asBlack Thursday), thestockmarket crashed.Withinayear,...
Ifanyonehadadoubtregardingtheimportanceofmacroeconomics, the?nancial andeconomiccrisisof2007 2009shouldhaverelievedhim/herofit.Furthermore, at times t...