This book assesses the state-of-the-art in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applied to ship hydrodynamics and provides guidelines for the future developments in the field based on the Gothenburg 2010 Workshop. It presents ship hull test cases, experimental data and submitted computational methods, conditions, grids and results. Analysis is made of errors for global (resistance, sinkage and trim and self-propulsion) and local flow (wave elevations and mean velocities and turbulence) variables, including standard deviations for global variables and propeller modeling for self-propulsion. The...
This book assesses the state-of-the-art in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applied to ship hydrodynamics and provides guidelines for the future dev...
Sent pa fredagskvallen den 28 februari 1986 skots Olof Palme ner pa oppen gata infor over tjugo ogonvittnen. Mordaren agerade snabbt och effektivt. Efter fullbordad garning tog han sig springande fran platsen utan att lamna minsta spar efter sig. Polisen har lagt ner enorma resurser pa att finna mordaren, men vet idag inte mycket mer an vad den gjorde for trettio ar sedan. De olika ogonvittnena ger en relativt samstamd bild av vad som hande den dar kvallen. Hur mordaren sag ut, vad han gjorde och var han tog vagen efter skotten. Men ett vittne avviker fran de ovriga pa ett markant satt. Hans...
Sent pa fredagskvallen den 28 februari 1986 skots Olof Palme ner pa oppen gata infor over tjugo ogonvittnen. Mordaren agerade snabbt och effektivt. Ef...
This book assesses the state-of-the-art in computational fluid dynamics applied to ship design and provides directions for the future developments in the field. It presents concrete, numerical values of attainable accuracy for all types of predictions.
This book assesses the state-of-the-art in computational fluid dynamics applied to ship design and provides directions for the future developments in ...