A tale from the Brothers Grimm provides inspiration for three gifted students from the world-renowned Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Khang Le, Mike Yamada, and Felix Yoon were guided by their instructor, Scott Robertson, to create original design solutions for the environments, characters, props, and vehicles found within "The Skillful Huntsman". The trio's sketches and full-color renderings thoroughly document the creative process of concept design, revealing a host of intriguing places - from sci-fi cities to castles - and people - from giants to royalty. A must for...
A tale from the Brothers Grimm provides inspiration for three gifted students from the world-renowned Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Califo...
The Cabinet of Curiosities is our fully illustrated 88-page hardcover storybook. It tells the story of a pair of kids who inherit a spooky old house from a long lost uncle. The house is full to bursting with mysterious doo-dads and trinkets. Each room being a strange, personally-curated monument to a crazy ancestor. A Cabinet of Curiosities
The Cabinet of Curiosities is our fully illustrated 88-page hardcover storybook. It tells the story of a pair of kids who inherit a spooky old house f...
Kids will love this simple, rhyming Step 1 reader about all kinds of trucks A brother and sister discover all kinds of trucks as they travel through their own neighborhood, drive on a highway, and visit a county fair Young vehicle-enthusiasts will take pride in cruising through the simple, rhyming text. Bright, bouncy art will help them along the reading journey. Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired picture clues help children decode the story.
Kids will love this simple, rhyming Step 1 reader about all kinds of trucks A brother and sister discover all kinds of trucks as they tra...