Follow Dr. Alex Marshall, an ordinary college professor who has his daily routine altered by the unthinkable, a plot by a centuries old secret society for total world domination. What started off as a mundane contracted research project could end in the murders of Alex and his beautiful research assistant Ashley Winters. As they delve deeper into their research, Alex's ordinary life becomes anything but that. Cryptic messages, sacrificial suicides and murder by necessity become the order of the day, all-leading to a shocking revelation that could change the fate of the world.
Follow Dr. Alex Marshall, an ordinary college professor who has his daily routine altered by the unthinkable, a plot by a centuries old secret society...
How do you decide to take a life? Do you wake up one day and just do it or is there a story? Of course it begins with a story, there's always a story. And so begins the novel, Cranberry Hill a literary murder mystery that centers on a liberal middle-class African-American professor who is fed up with behavior that he deems to be detrimental to the black race. Tired of excuses and tired of African-American leaders blaming whites, he resorts to "liberating" (killing) certain members of the race, in order to "save" it. Cranberry Hill is the 'Invisible Man' of its era, because underneath the main...
How do you decide to take a life? Do you wake up one day and just do it or is there a story? Of course it begins with a story, there's always a story....