Autoren aus Osterreich, Deutschland, der Schweiz und den USA behandeln in der Festschrift fur den bekannten osterreichischen Nationalokonomen Helmut Frisch theoretische und politisch-praktische Fragen aus den Themenkomplexen Inflation, Staatsverschuldung und Stabilisierungspolitik. "
Autoren aus Osterreich, Deutschland, der Schweiz und den USA behandeln in der Festschrift fur den bekannten osterreichischen Nationalokonomen Helmut F...
This book discusses the history and socioeconomic impact of Rerum novarum, the first Catholic social encyclical. Drawn from research presented at the 2016 Heilbronn Symposia on Economics and the Social Sciences, this book resumes the discussion on the origin, dissemination and impact of the Catholic social doctrine which originated in this epoch-making encyclical, arguing that the fundamental concepts of this doctrine have had long-standing influence on the development of the modern social state and social market economy. Beginning with an introductory background on the Rerum...
This book discusses the history and socioeconomic impact of Rerum novarum, the first Catholic social encyclical. Drawn from research present...
This book discusses the work of German economists Gustav von Schmoller and Adolph Wagner, its influence on the tradition of German and Austrian economic and social thought, and its implications for the discipline today.
This book discusses the work of German economists Gustav von Schmoller and Adolph Wagner, its influence on the tradition of German and Austrian econom...