The Avalanche At Snowville This story begins with Freddie learning about two children being separated from their family by an avalanche in a faraway place. A Secret Plan to save the children, take Freddie and his pet Tanga on a journey to the foot of the snow-covered mountains at Snowville. Despite being told to go home by the people of Snowville, Freddie and Tanga remain determined to carry out their Secret Plan. The excitement heightens as Freddie and Tanga join in the climb with the people of Snowville, up the steep mountain to where the children are trapped. Will Freddie's plan to climb...
The Avalanche At Snowville This story begins with Freddie learning about two children being separated from their family by an avalanche in a faraway p...
The Watch That Saved The Briar Woods Dam This story begins with Freddie finding a watch buried in the ground while he and his pet Tanga are digging for worms to take fishing. After fishing for a few hours they decide to play ball. While trying to free their ball from the branches of a tree in a wooded area, they over hear people from a faraway place planning to blow up the dam. The excitement grows as the countdown begins. Freddie, hiding in the woods, has no way to warn his mother of the danger. With less than a minute remaining, Freddie comes up with a plan. Will Freddie's plan work? Can...
The Watch That Saved The Briar Woods Dam This story begins with Freddie finding a watch buried in the ground while he and his pet Tanga are digging fo...
The Rescue On The River This story begins with Freddie's mother taking Freddie and his pet Tanga to the park for a picnic, and an afternoon of fun. The excitement begins when Tanga's ball rolls down a steep hill, and they stray from the playground to the edge of the river that winds through the park. A series of events follows that result in Freddie and Tanga drifting helplessly down the river on a log raft. During their journey down the river, they discover a helpless baby buzzard that has fallen from its nest into the water below. Moments later, Tanga spots something swimming towards the...
The Rescue On The River This story begins with Freddie's mother taking Freddie and his pet Tanga to the park for a picnic, and an afternoon of fun. Th...
This story begins with Freddie being offered scraps of wood from the house being built on Lemon Lane. A backyard project that begins with one hammer and a tin can full of nails, grows unexpectedly into a major Dragon Cadet Cub project, and a race against time! As the project is nearing completion, Mrs. Flutz, the cadet cub leader, gives the cadets some bad news. "The project will have to be put off until next year." The excitement heightens as Freddie yells, "I have an idea!" and begins hopping, with Tanga by his side, into the wooded area behind his house towards Lemon Lane. What are the...
This story begins with Freddie being offered scraps of wood from the house being built on Lemon Lane. A backyard project that begins with one hammer a...
This story begins with Freddie's mother taking a different route to the supermarket. It isn't until they are passing by the Apple Road Orchard, that Freddie notices, what he believes to be, red dots on the trees. The excitement starts when Freddie's mother takes Freddie and Tanga apple picking the following day. After filling up their basket with apples, Freddie's mother says, "I'm going to have to go the entrance of the orchard to get an empty crate to put some more apples in. Don't leave this spot unless it is for an emergency." What do Freddie and Tanga find inside the apple that fell from...
This story begins with Freddie's mother taking a different route to the supermarket. It isn't until they are passing by the Apple Road Orchard, that F...
This story begins with Freddie's mother taking Freddie & Tanga on a train ride to Evergreen for a day of fun and to have them experience winter for the very first time. The excitement begins late in the day when they are boarding the train back home to Briar Woods; moments after the conductor calls out, "All aboard." As the train is beginning to leave the Evergreen station platform, Freddie senses a passenger in trouble and hops out of his seat to investigate. Tanga is quick to follow. What are some of the sights that Freddie and Tanga see during the train ride to Evergreen? How many winter...
This story begins with Freddie's mother taking Freddie & Tanga on a train ride to Evergreen for a day of fun and to have them experience winter for th...
The Hot Air Balloon This story begins with Freddie and Tanga watching a preview of a television special, Hot Air Ballooning. The following day Freddie comes up with a plan to build a hot air balloon. After sharing it with Tanga and agreeing to keep it a secret until it is completed, they begin searching for things in the backyard that they can use in building their Secret Project. The excitement starts when Freddie's plan becomes a reality and Freddie and Tanga find themselves lifting up from the ground and being carried by the wind to a faraway place. What are some of the unusual things that...
The Hot Air Balloon This story begins with Freddie and Tanga watching a preview of a television special, Hot Air Ballooning. The following day Freddie...