Buy this book What, you expected sterling praise from famous writers? Sorry, I can t provide that because I am forced to publish Confederate Nation myself. Besides, I suspect that many of those testimonials are just favors from friends who may not have even read the book. And you never see a bad one, right? Let s face it, the so-called mainstream publishing industry has become constipated and reluctant to do much more than recycle the gorp of mediocre but established writers. It is mostly unwilling to take a chance and discover new and exciting writers. So, I am taking matters in my own...
Buy this book What, you expected sterling praise from famous writers? Sorry, I can t provide that because I am forced to publish Confederate Nation m...
Buy this book What, you expected sterling praise from famous writers? Sorry, I can t provide that because I am forced to publish Confederate Nation myself. Besides, I suspect that many of those testimonials are just favors from friends who may not have even read the book. And you never see a bad one, right? Let s face it, the so-called mainstream publishing industry has become constipated and reluctant to do much more than recycle the gorp of mediocre but established writers. It is mostly unwilling to take a chance and discover new and exciting writers. So, I am taking matters in my own...
Buy this book What, you expected sterling praise from famous writers? Sorry, I can t provide that because I am forced to publish Confederate Nation m...