In our book Theoretical Statistics we gave about 150 Further results and exercises mostly intended to illustrate material of intrinsic interest that it was not possible to cover in the main text. In many cases the statements were based quite directly on recent papers. The present book gives outline solutions and discussion of these problems. To make the book selfcontained we have preceded each set of problems by a brief summary of the main general ideas required. The collection of these summaries provides a rapid review of the theory of statistics. The book contains a substantial amount of...
In our book Theoretical Statistics we gave about 150 Further results and exercises mostly intended to illustrate material of intrinsic interest that i...
This handbook is a realization of a long term goal of BMDP Statistical Software. As the software supporting statistical analysis has grown in breadth and depth to the point where it can serve many of the needs of accomplished statisticians it can also serve as an essential support to those needing to expand their knowledge of statistical applications. Statisticians should not be handicapped by heavy computation or by the lack of needed options. When Applied Statistics, Principle and Examples by Cox and Snell appeared we at BMDP were impressed with the scope of the applications discussed and...
This handbook is a realization of a long term goal of BMDP Statistical Software. As the software supporting statistical analysis has grown in breadth ...